Red French Dressing is a tangier, spicier version of a traditional french dressing. This recipe is an adaptation from Helen Corbitt's Cookbook. It always...
Courtesy of Southern Living, this recipe is for their Roasted potato and green bean salad. But we like it on our home grown arugula. Try it this summer...
This appeared in the Montreal Gazette after some one requested a printed version of the recipe they tried several years ago. There really is only three...
This is a pleasantly creamy dressing ideal on a lunch or dinner salad made with cooked chicken or turkey, along with salad greens and some orange slices....
Clipped from Canadian House and Home magazine. Nice salad for a special occasion or anytime., Adding pears and cranberries is nice with the figs and blue...
This recipe is a recreation of the coleslaw my Executive Chef made for his pulled pork sandwich we had on the menu way back when. Now I make it for my...
Millet a wonderful grain,that most think of as bird food. Millet is highly nutritious, non-glutinous and like buckwheat and quinoa, is not an acid forming...
If you are on Chicago's Miracle Mile near the Marriott, watch out for bees! Chef Myk Banas keeps hives on the rooftop and uses the honey in dishes served...
In the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy this dresses an antipasto salad of tart greens, fresh herbs and a pine nuts, all topped with long furls...
From Light & Tasty magazine...submitted by R. Heimerl. I love - just love - this salad! I've served it many times for lunch buddies! The dressing is what...
This recipe is traditionally called "California Cole Slaw", but I made some changes by reworking the recipe. The pretty contrast of colors reminded me...
This light and spicy new twist on an old favorite has no added fat. Allow several hours for marinating or make the salad a day ahead and refrigerate it....
I regularly get monthly newsletters from "Taste of Home" and yesterday this recipe was posted there. I really liked the ingredients that were in the dressing,...
El Torito Restaurant's Caesar salad has been a popular favorite for decades; I obtained the recipe in 1994 when it was published in the Los Angeles Times...
This vinegrette sings its praises to escarole, chicory, radicchio or Belgian endive. Makes a great dipping sauce, too for crunchy veggies and crusty bread!...
Fresh peaches and goat cheese headline this simple no-cook salad recipe. The 8-ingredient vinaigrette, made with pantry staples, takes minutes to make...
This is from a woman in my small group. It has one of the few salad dressings I will eat. The amounts of the salad ingredients can all be adjusted according...
Now everyone has had a blue cheese dressing ... everyone has had a blue cheese vinaigrette ... everyone has had their classic salad. Well my version ......
I found this recipe on and here is what was stated about this recipe: "The Columbia Restaurant is an authentic Spanish/Cuban restaurant...
This is one of my favorite vinaigrettes and salad. The dressing is warmed up with some shallots and fresh herbs and pureed until creamy; served over spinach,...
Years ago in Florida, I came across an Italian restaurant with a delightful salad dressing. I've never been able to find a substitute so I tried to replicate...
This is a great vinaigrette. You can add dried herbs if you like. I especially like it with mixed vegetable/fruit salads. If champagne vinegar is not available,...
This dressing recipe, and the Brown Derby Original Cobb Salad, was given to Bob Donohue, of San Antonio, by Bob Cobb, owner of the Brown Derby in Hollwood....
After a number of years of experimenting and tweaking, I believe that this recipe for Caesar Salad is the "best". From the dressing to the croutons, everything...
I discovered this salad looking for a different use for romaine lettuce. I used green seedless grapes but I think red or black would be prettier. I love...
This is a refreshing, summer-time salad dressing. I use this dressing on assorted greens, a diced apple, and toasted pecans. Use your favorite salad and...
Packaged ranch dressing mix is so incredibly versatile. It's also loaded with salt and MSG. I've found a lot of copycat recipes, but most of them still...
This salad is great served with warm pears. Roast the pears immediately after the beets and toss them into the salad while still warm. Also the flavors...
This recipe belongs to The Chart House Restaurant. They have a number of locations with renowned chefs. The menu compliments the local cuisine which I...